Davis, Kate + Charlie Indianapolis Lifestyle Session
Are you ready for the *most* beautiful little girl? These photos are a touch extra special to me because I grew up with Kate. Well, Kate was always like an older sister. We both Irish danced back in the day. She knows my family and I know hers. Oh and, important to note, I photographed their insanely beautiful wedding in Chicago back in 2015. Gosh, how’d I get to be so lucky?
Kate and Davis had Charlie a few years ago. When I found out Kate was pregnant, I couldn’t help but smile knowing Kate is just one of those people that was MADE to be a mom. You know? The nurturing and encouraging type. Ask anyone who knows Kate and they’d all agree. She’s also a blast and I’m sure to have a good laugh – and probably a walk down memory lane – when she’s around.
Okay, now Charlie. You shouldn’t have to wait any longer for this sweet face.
Can youuuuu evennnn handle this? These natural moments at a family session are the ones I live for and also, while I’m at it, is there anything cuter than a toddler trying to navigate putting on adult glasses?
Look at the mama-daughter squishy face! Is Charlie not the most perfect and beautiful blend of her parents?!
Kate’s instagram stories of her Charlie are some of my favorites to follow along with. Charlie will stand in front of the mirror at night as she combs through her luxurious hair. It is the sweetest and most adorable thing. Kate, if you ever started a youtube channel – some kind of “Charlie’s Bedtime Series” – let me just say, I’d be the first to subscribe. It’s just all that is right with the world.
Boy do I love this beautiful light. Someday Charlie will love that photo on the left of her and her mama! <3
THAT SMILE! I’m not joking when I tell you Charlie’s baby face is on the box of a toy. Couldn’t tell you the toy but not long ago, I was visiting Kate in Chicago and she handed the toy in its box to me and asked, “Recognize that baby?” IT WAS CHARLIE. So, that mega watt smile makes her the perfect model.
Love the Davis Crew and getting to catch up!